9,908 research outputs found

    Endpoint resolvent estimates for compact Riemannian manifolds

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    We prove Lp→Lp′L^p\to L^{p'} bounds for the resolvent of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on a compact Riemannian manifold of dimension nn in the endpoint case p=2(n+1)/(n+3)p=2(n+1)/(n+3). It has the same behavior with respect to the spectral parameter zz as its Euclidean analogue, due to Kenig-Ruiz-Sogge, provided a parabolic neighborhood of the positive half-line is removed. This is region is optimal, for instance, in the case of a sphere.Comment: 14 page

    Pergerakan Jalan Stabil Robot Hexapod di Atas Medan yang Tidak Rata

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    Beberapa tahun terakhir, bencana alam seperti gunung meletus, tanah longsor, dan banjir sering terjadi dan menimbulkan korban jiwa. Upaya penyelamatan korban jiwa dalam bencana tersebut menjadi sulit dilakukan, karena daerah bencana sangat sulit dicapai oleh tim penyelamat. Permukaan tanah daerah bencana yang tidak rata dan potensi bencana susulan menjadi salah satu kendala dalam penyelamatan korban oleh tim penyelamat. Proses penyelamatan korban biasa dilakukan oleh tim penyelamat dengan membawa mobil ambulans ke lokasi bencana dan tim penyelamat menyusuri daerah bencana untuk menemukan korban. Masalah yang akan muncul adalah tim penyelamat saat mencari korban membahayakan diri saat berada di daerah bencana yang masih berpotensi mengalami bencana susulan, mobil ambulans untuk mengangkut korban tidak bisa menuju lokasi korban karena permukaan tanah daerah bencana yang tidak rata. bila korban berada jauh dari lokasi mobil ambulans, tim penyelamat akan membutuhkan waktu untuk membawa korban menuju mobil ambulans. Sehubungan dengan ini diusulkan suatu rancangan pemecahan masalah dengan menggunakan teknologi robot. Robot digunakan untuk melewati daerah yang memiliki permukaan yang tidak rata berupa sebuah prototype robot hexapod yang menerapkan inverse kinematic dan algoritma gait, sehingga robot dapat melewati daerah yang memiliki permukaan tidak rata serta menjaga kestabilan badan robot saat berjalan. Robot hexapod dipilih karena memiliki tingkat kestabilan yang baik saat berjalan. Robot hexapod berhasil diuji dalam enam kondisi bidang berbeda dan sepenuhnya mampu menjaga kestabilan di setiap pengujian seperti ketika berdiri diam di permukaan yang bergerak, berjalan di permukaan miring, pemukaan rumput maupun berpasir dengan dengan persen kesalahan kurang dari 10

    Keragaan Eksisting Tanaman Aren (Arenga Pinnata Merr) Di Sumatera Utara (Peluang Dan Potensi Pengembangannya)

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    Sugar palm (Arenga pinnata, Merr) is the most important after the coconut because it is a versatile crop that has the potential to be developed. Sugar palm main products are produced from extracting male flower it can be made as sugar, drinks, acetic and alcohol. Other parts of the plant can be use for ingredient. Data from 2004 shows sugar palm plantation covers 5288.91 acres that are spread in 20 districts in North Sumatra. Utilization sugar palm excellent for especially extracting products can be used as feedstock for ethanol as the needs of the bioenergy development will need to be followed up. Opportunities and potential development in North Sumatra palm is huge in because ecosystems, climate and suitability of land in this area is very suitable for the sugar plant . Opportunities and potential development sugar palm in North Sumatra is very large in because ecosystems, climate and suitability of land in this area is very suitable for the sugar palm plant. Besides adaptable to various types of soils including degraded lands , reeds and for reforestation and forest conservation . Data in 2014 , there is the land area is temporarily not cultivated in North Sumatra tend to rise until 2013, covering an area of 296 032 ha . Another challenge than land development , are super - impose intesifikasi input technology is still minimal , improvement of production management , improved processing , marketi ng is still traditional , dissemination is still limited to a small proportion of farmers , and the difficulty of seeds . So, we need a shared commitment between the central government and local governments to create policies how the potential development of the sugar plant can be followed in the future. This paper reviews the prospects of development potential, especially palm acreage potential, opportunities and challenges as well as the availability of the technology in North Sumatra

    Design and Testing of an Autonomous Ground Robot for Agricultural Applications

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    This senior project discusses the design and testing of an autonomous ground robot for agricultural applications such as strawberries. The vehicle will feature a robotic arm that will be programmed to perform various tasks, such as collecting soil and leaf samples of the crop or measuring soil moisture and salinity. Various components were chosen to be implemented on the vehicle due its power requirements and operating environment. Finite Element Analysis testing was done on the frame of the vehicle to ensure the adequacy of the design

    School Teachers, False Arrest and Media Coverage of Sex Crimes: A Three-State Ethics Probe.

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    In the past few years, sexual abuse has become the most talked about form of child abuse, according to the National Committee for the Prevention of Child Abuse in Chicago. While several abuse charges made by children often prove true, across the United States a growing number of such accusations against teachers, clergymen and daycare workers have been found to be false. For example, former Manhattan Beach, Calif. nursery school teacher Raymond Buckey was the focus of one of the largest, longest and costliest criminal cases in U.S. history. Buckey was accused of allegedly molesting students at Manhattan Beach\u27s McMartin pre-school. After seven years and two trials, all charges against Buckey were dropped. Several issues are at play when a teacher is accused of sexual abuse. First, there are the issues of the safety of the children and the rights of the accused teacher. Second, there is the issue of free press versus fair trial. Third, there is the issue of privacy versus a reporter\u27s access to information. The fourth issue, which is the focus of this thesis, is that newspaper editors face an ethical question: do they print the name of the teacher in a story before the teacher has been officially charged with some level of sexual misconduct? Or do they wait until after the teacher has been officially charged? In the cases where teachers are accused of sexual abuse and they are named in a newspaper story before they are officially charged, it seems like these teachers are guilty until proven innocent. These teachers suffer a taint that they possibly abused a student. The purpose of this thesis is twofold: 1) discover how newspaper editors determine whether or not to name a teacher accused of sexual abuse who is not charged with some level of sexual misconduct. 2) determine what is available to newspaper editors and reporters from law enforcement officers and district attorneys regarding a suspect\u27s name and investigation information. A qualitative case study covering three states was used as a research methodology to determine how newspaper editors, police officers and district attorneys in the three states handle the situation of a teacher accused of, but not charged with, sexual abuse. Officials in the case study were located in California, Nebraska and Virginia to represent the West Coast, Midwest and East coast. Newspaper editors contacted said they handled the situation on a case-by-case basis. There were differences in how the police handled the situation. The district attorneys were the only officials who handled the situation in a consistent, ethical manner. This thesis argues that in the case of a person accused of, but not charged with, sexual misconduct there should be a voluntary ethical guideline on the release of information regarding this issue. The guideline proposed would need to be endorsed by national associations representing the news media, police and lawyers. This voluntary ethical guideline would balance the preservation of the crime suspect\u27s reputation with freedom of the press


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    Abstrak dan kata kunci Kemajuan teknologi saat ini telah membawa perubahan dalam cara manusia berinteraksi. Komunikasi tatap muka mulai berkurang dengan adanya penerapan teknologi dalam berkomunikasi. Walaupun mengalami perubahan, tetapi dalam prosesnya, penerapan komunikasi berbasis teknologi juga menerapkan sejumlah prinsip yang ada didalam dunia nyata termasuk etika berkomunikasi. Hal ini makin terasa di masa pandemic Covid – 19 yang terjadi saat ini. Atas dasar situasi ini maka tim penulis tertarik untuk melakukan kegiatan PKM bertema etika berkomunikasi melalui video online khususnya bagi mahasiswa. Mahasiswa dipilih sebagai mitra kegiatan ini karena mereka dianggap sebagai pihak yang cukup terkena dampak perubahan mendadak ini, dimana mereka perlu diperkuat secara kapasitas untuk bisa tetap mengikuti proses perkuliahan online dengan tetap memenuhi standar akademik yang ada. Adapun mahasiswa yang menjadi target sekaligus mitra kegiatan PKM ini adalah mahasiswa baru dari prodi ilmu komunikasi dan prodi ilmu politik, Fisip, Undana. Kata kunci: Etika, Komunikasi, Akademik, Online   Abstract Current technological advances have brought changes in the way humans interact. Face-to-face communication began to decrease with the application of technology in communication. Even though it has changed, however in the process, the application of technology-based communication also applies a number of principles that exist in the real world including communication ethics. This is even more pronounced during the Covid - 19 pandemic. Based on this situation, the writers were interested in carrying out PKM activities under the theme of communication ethics through online videos, especially for students. Students were chosen as partners in this activity because they were considered as parties who were quite affected by this sudden change, where their capacity was needed to be strengthened in order to be able on following the online lecture process while still meeting the academic standards. The students who were being the partners of this PKM were new students from the communication science and political science study programs, FISIP, Undana.  Keywords: Ethics, Communication, Academic, Onlin

    Cosmological Solutions of Horava-Witten Theory

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    We discuss simple cosmological solutions of Horava-Witten theory describing the strongly coupled heterotic string. At energies below the grand-unified scale, the effective theory is five- not four-dimensional, where the additional coordinate parameterizes a S^1/Z_2 orbifold. Furthermore, it admits no homogeneous solutions. Rather, the vacuum state, appropriate for a reduction to four-dimensional supersymmetric models, is a BPS domain wall. Relevant cosmological solutions are those associated with this BPS state. In particular, such solutions must be inhomogeneous, depending on the orbifold coordinate as well as on time. We present two examples of this new type of cosmological solution, obtained by separation of variables rather that by exchange of time and radius coordinate applied to a brane solution, as in previous work. The first example represents the analog of a rolling radii solution with the radii specifying the geometry of the domain wall. This is generalized in the second example to include a nontrivial ``Ramond-Ramond'' scalar.Comment: 21 pages, Latex 2e with amsmath, minor addition

    Moving Five-Branes in Low-Energy Heterotic M-Theory

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    We construct cosmological solutions of four-dimensional effective heterotic M-theory with a moving five-brane and evolving dilaton and T modulus. It is shown that the five-brane generates a transition between two asymptotic rolling-radii solutions. Moreover, the five-brane motion always drives the solutions towards strong coupling asymptotically. We present an explicit example of a negative-time branch solution which ends in a brane collision accompanied by a small-instanton transition. The five-dimensional origin of some of our solutions is also discussed.Comment: 16 pages, Latex, 3 eps figure
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